Heat VS temperature

Heat VS Temperature

Heat = Thermal energy

Thermal Energy = The total energy of all the particles in a material

Temperature = A measure of the average energy of the particles in a material.

Quiz with Thermal energy

Both cups have coffee that is at a temperature of 80 degrees Celsius.
Which has more heat energy?

If you answered the bigger cup, you are correct because it contains a higher amount of thermal energy than the smaller cup. 

Ways of measuring temperature

There are 3 popular scales for measuring temperature - Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin

Out of these 3, Celsius is the most common measuring scale

Freezing point of water is at 0 Degrees Celsius
Boiling point of water is at 100 Degrees Celsius
(at sea level)


Scientists use Kelvin to measure the behavior of Gases
To convert Celsius to Kelvin - 
Add 273 to Celsius. 

For example

Freezing point of water is 273 Kelvin
Boiling point of water is 373 Kelvin

"Absolute Zero" is the coldest possible temperature, and is measured in Kelvin. 

Zero Kelvin is -273 Degrees Celsius 


Formula to convert: 

°C = (°F − 32) × 5/9

°F = (°C x 9/5) + 32

Exercise - Convert  

How is temperature measured?
- Temperature can be measured using a thermometer.
- Thermometers have sensors which can measure the temperature of a substance

Thank you,
Mirage Chemistry


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